Sculptural painting by decorative plaster step-by-step technology + master class

Sculptural painting by decorative plaster does not belong to repair work. It is the art decorating vital space. We habitually consider that painting — creation of a picture by means of the paints covering a canvas. And a sculpture — creation volume (relief or bas-relief) images. Synthesis of two arts which main material was a plaster dough — a thing not new, however, "played" in a new way with the advent of modern decorative mixes.

What is sculptural painting

Special technology of painting by decorative plaster consists in a molding of relief images from the painted plaster weight which is well holding given by a palette knife (some do it also fingers) a form. That is, it is not painting when paints apply on a basis with a brush or a palette knife, receiving multi-colored picturesque cloths.

On the other hand, it and not a sculpture received by a molding from clay. This art was called relief painting as the result turns out something average, uniting both types of creativity. As in any art painting by plaster is carried out by special receptions.

As working material serves the decorative plaster weight containing fibrous filler with the reinforcing means. Thanks to fibers thin petals of flower compositions are easily formed, even crude weight holds a form, without bursting when drying. Plaster solution is painted before application. Therefore sculptural painting after formation is not painted.

Photo of the pictures made decorative plaster

That you gained an impression how sculptural painting by decorative plaster is fine and also as it looks in an interior, we suggest to look at photos.

Thin "edge" of edge allows to scrape off the excess dried-up material from the basis, to gain weight. The narrow end allows to carry out a molding in places with difficult access. The sizes of a palette knife determine the size of the petals received by a set of paste on a shovel. The more the shovel, the is larger a petal. The tip of a shovel has to be rounded off.

To beginners for start there will be 2-3 palette knives of the different sizes, the most popular petal form enough
  • The paint brush with soft pile is applied when it is required to smooth sharp sides. Use a wet brush for softening, the layer which began to dry up if it is necessary to make changes or to correct a relief form. The tool is also used for a covering of sculptural work as "invisible" varnish.

  • The pallet (average or small width) apply to formation of a basic layer.
  • Knives and scrapers will be necessary if it is necessary to smooth down or protsarapat a pattern. Chisels or the ground screw-drivers will be useful. It is possible to manufacture the similar tool of make-shifts.
  • The confectionery syringe with the necessary form of a nozzle. There are ready pastes packed into tubes with tips.
  • Seldom, when use cliches in this type of the equipment. With their help carry out low-relief patterns, and these are other receptions.
  • The shlifsetka can be necessary.
  • Also the palette for a set of multi-color petals or gratin of white plaster weight is necessary. It can be plastic, glass, a board or other rigid sheet material.

Sculptural painting by decorative plaster

Those who mastered or only tried sculptural painting, differently speak of process of development of the equipment. Some say that comprehension of receptions is simple, others speak opposite. Therefore everyone learns complexity degree by own experience.

Performance order following:

  • preparation of the basis;
  • mixing and gratin of paste;
  • selection of the sketch, transferring of the picture on a wall;
  • creation of a relief panel.
  • drying, covering it is delicious.

The traces of solution remaining on a shovel dry up quicker, than weight in a bucket.

Nasokhshy solution interferes with the correct formation. Therefore the palette knife shovel is regularly cleaned with damp fabric or a napkin.

Basis for sculptural painting

Some compositions of the master create directly on walls, that is, on the plastered or concrete surfaces. In general any basis having rigidity will be suitable for creation of a unique sculpture. It can be: cardboard, gypsum cardboard, plywood, ceramics, even glass (the weight has high adhesion). Durability of the dried "stucco molding" is close to stone therefore from decorative weight it is possible to create souvenirs or jewelry.

Creation of a picture is carried out on horizontally located sheet material.

The basis is prepared. The procedure of preparation is simple, in something is similar to preparation under putting decorative plaster. It is required to clean (for increase in adhesion) and to level the basis.

The surface of a fibreboard will hold stronger a sculpture if to process it a nazhdachka. For the same purpose the basis is grounded. Often put an even layer (2-3 mm) of the solution applied to "molding" which becomes the basis for "attachment" of parts of the image. But nevertheless most often as the basis use gypsum plasterboards.

As a basic layer it is possible to apply mix (1:1) plasters with finishing filling on an acrylic basis.

Kolerovka of the basis acrylic paints

If the plaster or spackling weight applied to a basic layer is already painted, then equal color of a background of a substrate of a bas-relief will turn out. It can be made with modulations or color transitions, having made on a palette several small groups of the paste zakolerovanny in different shades or tone. Then, creating a background, use the pallet (and in addition a brush), mixing tone when drawing weight on the basis, shading. It is allowed to use acrylic paints at a kolerovka.

We prepare and transfer the sketch

The sketch can be drawn most if there is an ability, or to unpack from the Internet. For transfer on a wall or a canvas, draw a network, and transfer the drawing on points as on cages of a writing-book leaf in the childhood.

It is possible to transfer the sketch which is printed out in the necessary scale from paper to the basis through carbon paper.

We tint plaster

Color schemes of future "art" select according to interior scale. It is possible to manage only in two flowers, one of which – white. Mixing them on a palette, receive transitional tone. And, having plaster of three flowers (red, yellow, blue) it is easy to receive any color of the rainbow. Relief surfaces except color, have light-and-shade expression. It needs also to be considered in advance.

It is accepted to tint plaster also as artists in traditional "craft" of painting arrive. On a palette the hill imposes pastes of different color, gathering from which a palette knife of a portion, move weight to free "patch" where two materials mix.

We form a sculpture

Sculptural painting by decorative plaster is created by the principle: each dab has to create one element. For example, one dab — one leaf of a "vyleplivayemy" flower. One dab — one ready petal. This equipment is close to working method by a palette knife "импасто".

The volume picture is created by consecutive imposing a detail behind a detail until from colourful "designer" a ready object gathers. There are two receptions of set of plaster weight on a shovel of a palette knife and several methods of attachment of dab to the basis.

The corner between a shovel and a palette at a set of weight on a palette knife is less, the thinner the produced petal will turn out. On the other hand, the petal is thinner, the more difficult for it to hold the form given at enrollment and attachment.

To receive a smooth, accurate edge of a petal, a palette knife with a small part of the gathered solution "wipe" from this edge about a palette. After that continue a set of weight, pinching off portions from the hill other edge of a shovel. At the same time the gathered paste shifts the plaster weight which is (already gained) towards edge of future petal. The petal on a plate of a palette knife "grows", turning into flow over edge of a shovel.

The "collected" image is dried, and then covered with colourless varnish. The varnish covering prolongs service of a picture, protecting its material from water.

Recipe of self-made mix

Plaster for sculptural painting it is possible to make with own hands. In the course of development of the equipment, having understood mechanics and also having comprehended what working qualities are necessary to paste, you can always experiment. As many masters conducting master classes made it (video is lower).

Decorative structure 1.

The base of paste is plaster universal KNAUF Fugen plaster. This material is inexpensive, differs in small shrinkage. It is possible to work with the divorced mix half an hour.

It is possible to prepare a portion of plaster in a half from a rubber ball. Such capacity is easily cleaned from "croutons" of the grabbed solution.

Additive of silk plaster mix of Paritet (basic covering No. 1) will help to supply Fugen with fibers. Water to which at first add a basic covering is required and allow fibers to be distributed evenly. Then on a shred, mix and add Fugen. After "insisting" of plaster plaster (~ 5-10 min.) and hashing, weight can be put on use.

Decorative structure 2.


  1. As a component – the supplier of fibers take silk plaster (that it is stated above). It is possible to take instead of it fiber fiber – 10 ml (1 cap).
  2. Forms a basis 200 gr. decorative acrylic structure with marble filler.


  • to measure the necessary number of acrylic decorative structure, we place in a glass jar (which can be closed hermetically and to store up to 2 months);
  • to wet, add fibrovolokno to the first solution;
  • mix is mixed, using a palette knife (before placement fibrovolokon evenly).

Master classes useful video

The video series will help to examine the receptions used at all stages of process of creation of the picture having a relief appearance.

Sculptural painting by decorative plaster (after the first shy steps of the "teapot" opening for itself the new world) can turn into a hobby. Creative process is so fascinating, "plaster cloths" are so touching. After "flat" decorative plasters by means of a palette knife and inspiration the volume world opens.

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